Asexuality Research Has Reached New Heights. What Are We Learning?
A grassroots online movement has helped shift the way scientists think
about asexuality. But much is still unknown.
1 year ago
As the mother of a 13 year old boy with Tourette Syndrome I watch children such as my son, and on this video, and I cannot believe how incredible they all are.
My son was diagnosed at age 4 with T.S. and we have lived the T.S. nightmare since that time. The vocal tics, the motor tics, the OCD, the ADD, the ADHD and the anxiety attacks. My son has been stared at, made fun of, mimicked by other kids etc. We have been asked to leave movie theaters and restaurants as well as had teachers and friends tell us that he does it on purpose "just to get attention". My son has asked me questions such as "why did God make me?" "Will any girl ever love me and want to marry me?" Or, the worst of them all "Mom, if you knew that I was going to have T.S. would you have still wanted me?"
We went to numerous doctors, including the one who is supposed to be one of the best "T.S. Guru's" in the U.S. only to find out my son was nothing more than "another kid with T.S." The office visit was a cattle call and the pain that my son and our family was going through meant nothing to this man. My child was just one more for his research files.
Yet, with all he has been through, with all he has had to face, with all he knows he faces in the future, my son, as well as every other T.S. kid out there, shines. He is amazing and I look at him every day and Thank God that I have the son that I have.
To answer your question son, "yes, even if I knew then what I know now, I would still have you and thank God above for every minute, of every day that you were in my life, for all you have taught me about patience and acceptance, and for all I have become because you are in my life. You are my hero and my inspiration. For one so young, you have already left an indelible mark on the world.
I love you dear sweet "D" I look forward to watching you become a man.
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