• Although there is no treatment that either cures or permanently arrests
the disease, there are presently available two types of Alzheimer specific
therapies: symptomatic approaches to improve memory based on
enhancement of neurotransmitter systems, and neuroprotective strategies
using antioxidants.
• Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors reduce the metabolism of the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and although they probably do not alter
the progression of neurodegeneration, possible long term benefits may
include delayed institutionalisation, perhaps decreased mortality, and
savings in the cost of patient care.
• Optimal management of all medications and any comorbid medical
illnesses, including depression, is crucial and may result in significant
improvement in cognitive and functional status.
• There is insufficient evidence of efficacy of vitamin E in the treatment of
people with Alzheimer’s disease.
• Oestrogens do not benefit cognitive function after the onset of
Alzheimer’s, or reduce the risk of its development.
• Alzheimer’s disease results in behavioural problems that can be especially
challenging to carers but effectively managed if properly identified.
• In addition to medical therapy, the physician should not overlook the
non-pharmacological management interventions that can aid in the care
of patients with dementia.
• Patients with more than mild dementia usually have at least one carer
and it is important that the clinician recognises his or her vital role in
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